Encontre Equilibrio

Com ciência e intuição, te guio na reconexão consigo mesma


Equilibre corpo e mente com aromas naturais.

Desenvolva seu potencial com orientação personalizada.

Aprenda e cresça com nossos treinamentos.

Terapias Holisticas
Cursos e Mentorias

Conheça Patricia da Silva

Sou Patricia, Ajudo você a equilibrar corpo e mente com óleos essenciais, técnicas de mindset e práticas holísticas. Com ciência e intuição, te guio na reconexão consigo mesma, aliviando o estresse e trazendo mais harmonia para sua vida —de um jeito leve, natural e transformador.



Depoimentos positivos

Resultados comprovados

Nossos Serviços

Descubra como nossos serviços de aromaterapia, coaching e mentoria podem transformar sua vida.

A serene arrangement featuring various essential oil bottles on a wooden tray surrounded by dried herbs and rose petals. A white and a slightly smaller candle are lit, casting a warm glow. A white vase filled with greenery stands on the left, and a small Buddha statue is placed near a potted succulent on the right. The setting suggests a tranquil atmosphere, possibly for meditation or relaxation.
A serene arrangement featuring various essential oil bottles on a wooden tray surrounded by dried herbs and rose petals. A white and a slightly smaller candle are lit, casting a warm glow. A white vase filled with greenery stands on the left, and a small Buddha statue is placed near a potted succulent on the right. The setting suggests a tranquil atmosphere, possibly for meditation or relaxation.
A pair of hands gently holds three small bottles of essential oils labeled 'Frankincense,' 'Lavender,' and 'Balance.' The background is a soft blue, matching the lace-trimmed sleeves of the person's clothing.
A pair of hands gently holds three small bottles of essential oils labeled 'Frankincense,' 'Lavender,' and 'Balance.' The background is a soft blue, matching the lace-trimmed sleeves of the person's clothing.
Atendimentos e Mentorias

Apoio personalizado para alcançar seus objetivos pessoais e profissionais com uma abordagem integrativa.


Apoio a sua saude física, mental e emocional de forma 100% Natural

Depoimentos Clientes

Veja o que nossos clientes têm a dizer sobre nós.

O acompanhamento com a Patricia transformou minha vida. Recomendo a todos que buscam equilíbrio e bem-estar.

Mariana Souza
Various wellness and beauty products, including oils in bottles, a bowl of oil, dried flowers, crystals, a smudge stick, and a small dish of cream, are arranged aesthetically on a light surface. The scene is decorated with colorful flowers and herbs.
Various wellness and beauty products, including oils in bottles, a bowl of oil, dried flowers, crystals, a smudge stick, and a small dish of cream, are arranged aesthetically on a light surface. The scene is decorated with colorful flowers and herbs.

São Paulo

As Mentoria oferecida foram incríveis e me ajudaram a alcançar meus objetivos pessoais e profissionais. Sou muito grato pela orientação e apoio recebidos.

A collection of spa and relaxation items is arranged on a light surface. White orchids are placed next to a glass jar labeled Rosemary, filled with a wood wick soy candle. A small glass bottle of essential oil stands nearby. A decorative white elephant-shaped planter displays some curly green plants. In the foreground, a natural bristle body brush and a smooth black stone complete the arrangement.
A collection of spa and relaxation items is arranged on a light surface. White orchids are placed next to a glass jar labeled Rosemary, filled with a wood wick soy candle. A small glass bottle of essential oil stands nearby. A decorative white elephant-shaped planter displays some curly green plants. In the foreground, a natural bristle body brush and a smooth black stone complete the arrangement.
Carlos Lima

Rio de Janeiro


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A hand is holding an essential oil bottle over a white, conical diffuser emitting vapor on a table. The background is softly blurred with a large window, creating a serene and calm atmosphere, suggesting a focus on aromatherapy or relaxation.
A hand is holding an essential oil bottle over a white, conical diffuser emitting vapor on a table. The background is softly blurred with a large window, creating a serene and calm atmosphere, suggesting a focus on aromatherapy or relaxation.